With each passing day we all grow older. With each passing day our planet changes. Thus it has always been and always will. Icecaps melt, tidal waves and hurricanes destroy livelihoods, forests burn, birds and animals become extinct, and we have an earthquake rumbling in Folkestone.
The Prince of Wales (bless him) is warning us all that the next eight years are crucial, and if we don’t take action within this time-frame then we’re doomed. He’s probably right. But aren’t we doomed anyway. Hasn’t mankind always been doomed, ever since he discovered fire and the means to kill?
I try to do my bit. I’ve sold the “gas guzzler” and drive a more economical car. But the “gas guzzler” is still roaring around neighbouring Leigh Park with its new owner. I’ve taken to switching things like the TV off at the mains when we go away - but in all honesty this has more to do with saving money than saving the planet.
Princes and politicians make great speeches, but none are prepared to advocate the kind of ruthless action that would be required to radically slow down climate change. Here are a few obvious steps that might be taken universally:
i. A total ban on the selling of all motor vehicles (new and old) which do not comply to very strict emission limits. Non-compliant vehicles to be taxed at fifty-times current rate.
ii. A ban on all wood and coal burning – albeit domestic or power station.
iii. A total ban on aviation.
iv. Increased use of sail at sea.
v. Cancellation of all public service refuse collection. All rubbish to be taken to proper recycling points by users with charges made for unrecyclable items. Criminal offence not to comply.
vi. Electricity rationing.
So, you see, it’ll never happen. We’ll continue to hurl McDonalds wrappers from our car windows as we burn up the miles in our over-powered cars. We’ll continue to jet off on holiday; to light a good log fire on a cold winter evening; and to buy over-packaged food that has been flown thousands of miles to reach our supermarkets (which never close or turn off their lights). Enjoy it while we can.
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