Tuesday, 14 April 2009

Political Blogs

So the political bloggers are making headlines (again) and, into the bargain, are making life quite strenuous for our beloved leader, the greatest ever Prime Minister. It all reminds me of the time that I tried to persuade the likes of Guido Fawkes to get his readers to buy buy books through me (or rather Politico’s Bookshop for whom I was briefly a salaryman) rather than earning commission from the dark halls of the Amazon empire.

As is the case today Tory bloggers then outnumbered their Socialist and Lib Dem counterparts by about ten to one, and the best of them (Iain Dale’s Diary should get a mention here) are business enterprises in their own right – carrying advertising and earning commission from referred sales of books and stuff. Boris seems to have about twenty clubs in his bag – he uses Twitter to draw people to his blog which promotes his column in the Telegraph which in turn throws mud at poor Damien McBride (all probably linked to a Facebook page, a MySpace piece, and webcam live action on YouTube.

Silly, really that the Rumbling Nappa hasn’t followed suit. We live after all in interesting times and if rumour is to be believed our beloved leader,the greatest ever Prime Minister, is currently entering into what can only be described as his George III phase. Like the Rumbling Nappa he apparently experiences dark moods and locks himself in his study for long periods. As with me, it is widely thought to be only a matter of time before the men in white coats come to take him away ‘for a rest’.

Wow! That means that by early summer we could be enjoying the premiership of Harriet Harman. Yipee!

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