Every polite household offers books or magazines for visitors to the lavatory. Usually these are quirky, informative, humorous and digestible a few pages at a time. My friend the Ayatollah even keeps some bottles of wine for the entertainment of those using the smallest room at his Romney Marsh mansion.
The older brother, efficient and self-improving as always, keeps a single 600-page tome for the purpose entitled (appropriately) “Passing Time in the Loo, Volume 1”. This curious book published by Scarab Books (www.loobooks.com) in the US includes short, two-page summaries of around fifty novels and plays; biographies of important people; rules of important games such as baseball and ice hockey; a section on punctuation (which I should really heed more carefully); and quotations ranging from a rather nice Danish saying “Fish and guests smell at three days old”, to Alfred Hitchcock’s “The length of a film should be directly related to the endurance of the human bladder”.
If all that was not enough, the book includes a section of ‘vocabulary building’ words – postulate, orotund, didactic, sophistry – and (specially for me) a chapter headed “Control Your Depression”. This last item might have been required had it not been for excellent performances on the pitch by Messrs. Bopara, Swann and Onions.
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