Wednesday, 3 June 2009

Splitting the Vote

Well it's time to cast some votes again. If nothing else tomorrow night's local government and MEP election results will make interesting reading. I for one will not vote for the seemingly untrustworthy Mr Cameron, or for the morbid Mr Brown, or for Mr Clegg (wouldn't it be wiser for the Lib Dems to have a decent politician in charge like Vince Cable), or BNP, or any other political grouping.

I'm going to vote for the young blonde who oozes enthusiasm as well as good looks in the local elections (she happens to be Lib Dem), and for the Conservative ticket in the European elections for the sole reason that the splendid Daniel Hannan is named on the ticket. Not only is he a good speaker, but he has a brain on him and his blog encourages people like me to pay attention to today's Guardian leader - - which is as good a summary of the present situation at Westminster as one is likely to find.

Maybe the present crisis will bring some good, honest men and women into government who can speak for themselves and for their constituents rather than acting as puppets for their party whips.

My dream is that the current upheaval might result in the end of our ghastly, class-ridden culture of tribal party politics. The clamour from many politicians is for proportional representation and I'll oppose that to the day I die. All proportional representation means is the perpetuation of the 'party' system that has served us so badly over the years.

Please, please can we take advantage of the tide of public opinion to effect real change in the workings of government.

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